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Should My HVAC Fan Be Running All the Time?

Posted on: April 4, 2024

Maintaining a comfortable home environment is crucial during San Marcos’ temperature extremes. While you most likely know that an efficient HVAC system, proper insulation, and a smart thermostat can help you stay comfortable inside, you might not be aware of a simple technique that can make a big difference: allowing your HVAC system’s fan to run continuously.

An HVAC vent on a blue wall

Settings To Run HVAC Fan Continuously

Most homeowners aren’t aware that they can choose continuous fan operation in their thermostat settings. Not to worry; the process is simple! Just switch your thermostat from the “Auto” setting to “On.” While “Auto” prompts the fan to activate only during heating or cooling cycles, “On” will signal the fan to operate nonstop, constantly distributing air throughout your home.

Is It Safe To Continuously Run My HVAC Fan?

Absolutely! HVAC units are purposefully designed with this feature, tested by manufacturers, and deemed perfectly safe. It’s not only safe but it is often recommended that you run your HVAC fan continuously.

Benefits of Running an HVAC Fan Continuously

Contrary to popular belief, there are many benefits to running your HVAC fan all the time. These include:

  • Prolonged system lifespan: Continuous fan operation can reduce the wear and tear associated with the fan’s frequent start and stop, aiding in longevity.
  • Enhanced air quality: Continuous air circulation means more frequent air filtration, reducing dust and allergens in your home.
  • Improved air circulation: Running the fan constantly keeps air moving throughout your home, helping to eliminate hot or cold spots.
  • Energy savings: With modern, energy-efficient units, running your fan continuously could lead to lower utility bills due to more efficient overall system performance.

Cons of Running Fan Continuously

There are very few downsides to running your HVAC system’s fan continuously. If your HVAC system is older and less efficient, the primary risk is a potential increase in energy bills. If you’re noticing a significant uptick in energy costs, it might be time to consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient system.

When Should You Not Run Your HVAC Fan?

While keeping your HVAC fan on continuously offers numerous benefits, there are specific circumstances when it’s advisable to turn it off. For instance, if your ductwork passes through an attic, running the fan continuously during peak summer heat might inadvertently circulate hot air throughout your home. Also, if your AC unit starts malfunctioning or making unusual noises, it’s a good idea to turn it off entirely and call SM Air for repair.

Why Choose SM Air for Your HVAC needs?

At SM Air, we’re 100% committed to customer satisfaction. Since 1986, we’ve been the San Marcos and surrounding region’s most trusted HVAC company for a wide range of heating and cooling services. Whether it’s HVAC maintenance, a system upgrade, or emergency repair, our experienced team is here to keep your home comfortable year-round.

Schedule HVAC service in San Marcos today!